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Leosoft IT Tranining and Placement Assistance is the leader in AngularJS training course, We provide quality of online training and corporate training courses by the real-time facility and well-trained web developers. Our AngularJS tutorial will help you to get knowledge in latest angular versions.

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2024-09-24 30hours Your Flexible Online INSTRUCTOR-Online LIVE
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Leosoft IT Tranining and Placement Assistance is the leader in AngularJS training course, We provide quality of online training and corporate training courses by the real-time facility and well-trained web developers. Our AngularJS tutorial will help you to get knowledge in latest angular versions.

LeoSoft IT Course Services

Classes Flexible Timings

Course Materials Access: Lifetime

Session Recordings

Software Installation

24x7 Training Team Support

Course Certificate

Resume Preparation and Interview Assistance

Course Certification


5 Rinky Das (Reviews)

Awesome Online Training Hub for students who need online training with romote, I am very happy to recomonfed this institute Leosoft IT.

4 Sindhura Rajesh (Reviews)

I took .Angular JS training this past year. It was for a good duration, which allowed us to learn and practice at the same time. The sessions were very informative and I would like to credit our trainer for all that.

4 Sam Ignatius (Reviews)

He is a very dedicated trainer, clears the concepts if you have any doubts and tries to do it with multiple examples. I am completely satisfied with the training provided and it definitely helped me get back in the job market after a break of 2 years. Thanks Leosoft IT.

Client Side Scripting


  • Understand client side script
  • Difference between client side and server side script
  • Importance of Server Side Script
  • Importance for Client Side Script
  • Javascript, Vbscript
  • Limitations of client side scripting
  • Cannot communicate with database
  • Cannot communicate with any file system

AngularJS Course Content

Chapter 1 : Introduction

  • Introduction to AngularJs
  • web site
  • Features of AngularJs:
  • Binding framework
  • AngularJs support MV* (MVC, MVVM, MVP)
  • Download Angularj.min.js
  • Using angularjs cdn
  • sample programs

Chapter 2 : Angular directives

  • Understand the ng- directive
  • Available directives
  • ng-app
  • ng-init
  • ng-bind

Chapter 3 : Binding expression

  • Binding expression
  • {{}}
  • ng-controller
  • ng-bind
  • ng-show
  • ng-hide
  • ng-include
  • ng-repeat
  • ng-options

HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language)

Chapter 1 : Introduction

  • Understand html tags
  • Available HTML tags
  • Special entities in html

UI designing using HTML

  • Design UI using html tag
  • <form> </form>
  • <input>tags
  • <textarea>
  • <select> tag
  • Associating labels to controls

HTML 5 elements

  • 13 Input elements
  • Input element properties
  • Video, animation tags

Import script

  • Import external scripts
  • Import external javascript
  • Import external css style

CSS (Cascade Style Sheets)

  • Understand styles in web page
  • CSS introduction
  • Types of CSS
  • Inline CSS
  • Internal CSS
  • External CSS

Javascipt (client Side scripting)

Chapter 1 : Introduction

  • Understand client side script
  • Advantages

Chapter 2 : Javascript core1

  • Writing javascript?
  • Understand the importance of javascript
  • Inline javacript ( invoke events )
  • Internal javascipt
  • External javascript
  • Google chrome developer tools
  • Debugging java script code

Chapter 3 : Javascript core2 Programming constructs

  • Control structures (if, swith, loops)

Chapter 4 : Javascript core3 Built in objects

  • Document object, window object,
  • String object and methods
  • Math object and methods
  • Date Object, etc.,

Chapter 5 : Javascript core 4 Array

  • Javascript array in detail
  • Javasctip array methods ( push(), slice(), splice(), indexOf() ,etc.,)
  • Handling JavaScript Array Collection

Chapter 6 : Java script core 5 Function

  • What is function?
  • Simple functions
  • Parameterized function
  • Passing unlimited parameters
  • Function returning values

Chapter 7 : Java script Advanced 1 functions

  • Function hoisting
  • Differentiate global variable from local variable
  • Function expressions (FE)
  • Call back functions
  • IIFE ( Immediate Invoked Function Expression)
  • Java script Closures
  • Function inside objects

Chapter 8 : Java script Advanced2 object

  • Understand java script objects
  • POJO in detail

Angular js

Chapter 1 : Data binding

  • Understand binding
  • Types of bindings
  • One way data binding
  • One time data binding
  • Two way data binding

Chapter 2 : ng-include

  • Include html pages into tags
  • Sample example which shows multiple views in one page

Chapter 3 : Angular filters Sorting fields

  • Angular Filter
  • Filter row
  • Filter column
  • Create custom filters
  • Filters on Json Objects

Chapter 4 : POJO

  • Working with POJO(Plain Old Javascript object)
  • Using json objects

Chapter 5 : Modules and controllers

  • Working with modules, controllers
  • Attaching multiple controllers
  • Consume module, controller

Chapter 6 : $scope $rootScope

  • Understand the difference between $scope and $root Scope object
  • Example programs using these

Chapter 7 : SPA

  • Understand Single Page application
  • Create SPA
  • Sample application

Chapter 8 : Angular service

  • Understand Service
  • $http service
  • Example on consuming existing services
  • Create own Angular services

Chapter 9 : User define services

  • Understand Custom(User defined) Services
  • Create user defined services using
  • Factory, Service, Provider

Chapter 10 : Custom directive

  • Understand directive
  • Create custom(user defined) directive examples
  • Similar to Web form user controls

Chapter 11 : Reading json file

  • Reading json file
  • Ajax calls

Chapter 12 : Reading web service

  • Reading web services (SOAP)
  • file using angular js

Chapter 13 : Reading Restful Services

  • Understand restful services
  • Reading web api ( created using MVC.NET)
  • A small application will perform CRUD operations of Database table
  • Restful web services

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